Getting the Most from Keyword Searching


Visitors to your site have many ways to search your collection. The option they are likely most familiar with is Keyword Search. Using the Keyword Search function allows visitors to search for words, phrases, or sets of words using AND / OR connectors. Keyword Search checks the data in any field that is mapped to an Advanced Search category and returns the appropriate results.

Keyword Search is not case sensitive.  Search results can be accessed by clicking the image or hyperlink for the record. The hyperlink for each item your search returns is comprised of the first two fields you have selected for that record type in the Web Publishing Wizard.

You can limit your search to only return results that have an image. Put a check in the "Items with Images Only" option below the Keyword Search field to limit your results.


Searching for a Single Word or Words

  1. Type the word or words you want to find, then click Search.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria for a single word.

  2. Search for multiple words by separating them with a single space. Searching for Rocky Pine Ranch will return records that contain Rocky or Pine or Ranch or any combination of the three.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria for a multiple words.

  3. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard when searching for single words.  Enter Rock* as your search to find all records containing words that begin with rock, like Rocky and Rockingham.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria using a wildcard selector.

Searching for a Phrase

  1. Type the phrase you want to find inside of quotes, then click Search. Words inside of quotes must exist in the same order for the records to be returned. As an example, "Rocky Pine Ranch" and "Pine Ranch Rocky" will return very different results.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria for a phrase.

Searching with AND / OR Connectors

Using AND / OR connections between words allows you to limit or expand your search criteria. Using AND will return results that contain all words in your search. Using OR will return results that contain at least one of the words in your search.

  1. In the search field enter your search criteria. Searching for Rocky and Ranch will return results that have both terms in its fields. The terms do not need to be in the same field to be included in the search results.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria using 'and' connections.

  2. Searching for Rocky or Ranch will return results that have either term in its fields.

    Search screen to enter in search criteria using 'or' connections.

  3. You can combine these connectors for more specific results by using parenthesis in your search string. As an example, rock OR (pine AND ranch) will return different results than (rock OR pine) AND ranch.
