
Deaccessioning is the formal process to remove an accessioned item out of the collection. This may be done for a variety of reasons: item no longer fits the mission, item has been accidentally damaged/destroyed, item is missing with no hopes of recovery, etc. It is important to keep a record of which items have been deaccessioned along with details about when, why, and by whom. For more information, see Further Actions - Deaccessions.


There are two ways to deaccession a catalog record: from the catalog record screen or from the accession record screen. This process removes the item from a catalog and places it into the Deaccession database, which can be accessed by going to "Catalogs" on the Main Navigation Bar and then selecting "Deaccession."


Please note: an item cannot be deaccessioned if it is on either an active outgoing loan or a current exhibit.

Deaccession Item from Catalog Record

  1. Locate the catalog record that needs to be deaccessioned
  2. Click "Edit" in the Edit Bar at the top of the record
  3. Click the "Deaccession" button in the upper right
  4. Fill in the required fields (marked with red asterisks): Deaccession Date, Authorized by, and Reason for Deaccession.  Populate the other fields if desired.

  5. Click "Deaccession Now"
  6. The type of record will change to "Deaccessioned Catalog Record."  

Deaccession Item from Accession Record

  1. Click "Edit" in the Edit Bar at the top of the accession record
  2. Click the Catalog Records Accordion to expand it
  3. Check the box to the left of the catalog record(s) to be deaccessioned
  4. Click "Deaccession Catalog Records"
  5. Fill in the required fields: Deaccession Date, Authorized by, and Reason for Deaccession.  Populate the other fields if desired.  
  6. Click "Deaccession Now"
  7. Click "Save" in the Edit Bar at the top of the screen
  8. The catalog record(s) will move from the Catalog Records Accordion to the Deaccessioned Catalog Records accordion