Membership Types

Most museums and collecting organizations have memberships with varying levels of support. You can set up your membership types and their corresponding dues amounts on the Setup Contacts screen, found under Settings | Contacts Settings. Membership types listed on this screen will be available in the Membership Type drop-down list on the Membership accordion.  It is recommended that you set up your membership types before creating memberships in Contacts.  


Add New Membership Type

Note: Each membership type must have a unique name.


  1. Click the "New Type" button on the Setup Contacts screen

  2. Type in the membership type
  3. Type in the code. Codes can be used to group multiple types for accounting purposes.
  4. Type in the corresponding dues amount
  5. Click "Save"

Edit Membership Type/Amount

Note: If you edit a membership type name or amount, you can choose to update all Contact records with that membership type to the new membership type name and/or amount. All previously posted dues payments will retain the original membership type and amounts paid.


  1. Click the membership type on the Setup Contacts screen
  2. Make your edits
  3. Click "Save"

Delete Membership Type

Note: If you delete a membership type that has been used on records, contacts with that membership type will continue to display the deleted membership type on the Membership Accordion until a user changes it. All previously posted dues payments will also retain the deleted membership type.


  1. Hover over the membership type you want to delete on the Setup Contacts screen
  2. Click the Trash Can icon on the right side
  3. Click "Yes" to confirm