Contacts Standard Views

On the Contacts Query screen, there are several Standard Views listed in the Left Sidebar. These allow you to quickly access common subsets of your contact records based on standard criteria. Standard Views are updated automatically based on changes to your contacts as you add and edit records. The Filter section at the top of the Query screen will show the filter used to narrow the list of records.  


While Standard Views cannot be edited, renamed, or deleted, you can use a standard view as a starting point for a custom view, just altering the Filter or Options as needed. See Creating Custom Views.


The Standard Views include:


Standard View: Includes all contact records.


Filter: none


All Members: A list of all members. Includes active, inactive, primary, and joint members.


Filter:  Is member | Yes  


Primary Members: A list of only the primary members. All joint members are excluded.


Filter:  Is primary member | Yes


Joint Members: A list of only the joint or secondary members (any contact who has Included in another Membership populated). All primary members are excluded.  


Filter:  Included in Another Membership | Yes


Memberships Overdue: A list of Primary Members whose memberships are not marked as Inactive and are overdue as of today's date.  Members who have an empty Paid Thru Date are not included.


Filter:  Is membership overdue | Yes


  Is primary member | Yes


  Inactive Membership | No


Non-Members: A list of contacts who are not members.


Filter:  Is member | No


Pledged: A list of contacts who have made a pledge, regardless of whether the pledge has been paid or not.


Filter:  Have pledged | Yes


Never Pledged: A list of contacts who have never made a pledge.


Filter:  Have pledged | No


Upcoming Membership Renewals: A list of Primary Members whose memberships are not marked as Inactive and a Membership Paid Thru Date within the next two months.


Filter:  Is primary member | Yes


  Inactive membership | No


  Membership Paid Thru Date | Between | <today's date> and <2 months from today>