Email to a Friend Button


The Email to a Friend button allows online visitors to easily share a particular record with others. The visitor on your site can share the record along with a personalized message. This information is emailed so the recipient can view that specific record as well as explore the rest of your site.  This is a great way of having users help promote your site.

By default, the Email to a Friend button is displayed in the upper right corner of each catalog record page and can be suppressed at the Interface Management Site.


  1. Locate an item you wish to share.
  2. Click the Email to a Friend button.

    Online Record Page with Email to a Friend button highlighted

  3. A new window will open displaying the Email Form. Fill out the form making note that the required fields are denoted with an asterisk (*).

    Email a Friend Form

  4. Check the box next to "I'm not a robot". If a CAPTCHA window opens, follow the instructions and then click the Verify button, which will close the window.
  5. Click the Send Email button at the bottom of the form.
  6. On the confirmation screen, click the Close Window button or wait a moment for that second window to close automatically.
  7. The email recipient will receive an email like this:

    Received email from Email a Friend Form
