
When contacts donate monetary gifts to your organization, each gift is made toward a specific fund. Before you can post a donation, you need to set up your funds under Settings | Contacts Settings. Funds added on the Setup Contacts screen will be available in the Fund drop-down menu when entering a donation or pledge. Each fund has its own thank you letter, which can be edited on the Setup Contacts screen after the fund is added.


Add New Fund

Note: All fund names must be unique.


  1. Click the "New Fund" button on the Setup Contacts screen

  2. Type in the name of the fund
  3. Type in the fund code. Fund codes can be used to group multiple funds for accounting purposes.
  4. Click "Save"

Modify Fund Thank You Letter

  1. Click the "View" hyperlink in the Thank You Letter column
  2. Modify the letter template
  3. Click "Save"

Edit Fund Name/Code

Note: If you edit a fund name or code, it will update all donations and pledges previously applied towards the fund.


  1. Click the fund name on the Setup Contacts screen
  2. Make your edits
  3. Click "Save"
  4. Click "Yes" to confirm

Delete Fund

Note: If you delete a fund name, it will not change the fund name for previously posted donations and pledge records.


  1. Hover over the fund that you want to delete on the Setup Contacts screen
  2. Click the Trash Can icon on the right side
  3. Click "Yes" to confirm