Accessions & Loans Documents

Before starting your collections data entry, it is recommended that you set up your default collections documents. PastPerfect uses document templates for forms, letters, and receipts. These templates allow you to create the layout and basic text for a document, and you can insert field place holders that will populate automatically when you print from a specific record. The fields available to insert differ for each template.


Please note: When you edit these templates, changes will only be reflected when new documents are created. Record-specific documents composed before changing the template will remain the same. However, you can update those individual documents with the latest template using the "Rebuild" button on each specific letter/receipt.

Access Setup Accession & Loan Documents Screen

  1. Go to "Settings" on the Main Navigation Bar
  2. Click "Accessions & Loans Documents"



From there, the following document templates can be modified:


Deed of Gift: this document is the legal contract that transfers ownership of an item from a donor to an institution.


Thank You Letter: this document is an accession thank you letter.


Temporary Custody Receipt: this document includes the name and basic contact information for the potential donor, a brief description of the items, and the terms of the donation. It acknowledges that your organization has accepted the items temporarily until a final decision has been made about whether to accession them into the collection.


Temporary Custody Thank You Letter: this document can be used as a thank you letter to the potential donor or as a cover letter for the Temporary Custody Receipt.


Temporary Custody Return Receipt: this document signifies that the items in temporary custody were returned back to the donor. It's typically signed by both the museum representative and the donor.


Incoming Loan Agreement: this document typically includes the name, address, contact, phone number and other pertinent information about the institution loaning materials to your museum. In addition, it provides a brief description of the borrowed items, information about insurance provided for the borrowed items, and the conditions governing the use and treatment of objects on loan to your museum.


Incoming Loan Return Receipt: this document is used when you are returning loaned material back to the institution who loaned it to your museum.  It typically includes the lender's contact information, a brief description of the items being returned, and an area for signatures.


Outgoing Loan Agreement: this document typically includes the name, address, contact, phone number and other pertinent information about an institution borrowing materials from your museum. It also usually provides a brief description of the borrowed items, information about insurance for the items, and an area for the borrower's signature.


Outgoing Loan Return Receipt: this document acknowledges the return of borrowed items to your organization. It typically includes signature lines for the borrower and your organization's representative as well as the date when the loan was returned.


Outgoing Loan Terms & Conditions: this document typically lists the conditions governing the use and treatment of objects on loan from your museum.


Edit Accessions & Loans Document Template

  1. Click the "Edit" button at the top of the Setup Accessions and Loan Document Templates screen
  2. Click the name of the template to open the accordion. When you click into the body of the template, it will expand to display the whole template if text is already present.
  3. Make your edits 
  4. Click "Save"