Catalog Item Location Fields

The Home and Temporary Locations on the Location Accordion are each composed of 8 fields. The default names for these fields are: Building, Room, Wall, Cabinet, Shelf, Drawer, Container, and Other. It is possible to change these field names as they appear on the catalog record screen, when running queries, and on reports. Custom names for these location fields will apply to both Home and Temporary Locations within all four catalogs (Objects, Photos, Archives, and Library).    

Change Location Field Names

  1. Go to "Settings" on the Main Navigation Bar
  2. Click "Catalog Item Location Fields"
  3. For any field you wish to change the name, type in the custom name.   If you do not want to change the name for a particular field, you can leave the Custom Name blank and the program will use the field's default name.
  4. Click "Save"