
PastPerfect's Lexicon is based on Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging, by Paul Bourcier, Heather Dunn, and the Nomenclature Task Force. We recommend you use the terms in the Lexicon as much as possible to keep your data entry consistent. However, it is possible to revise and add to the Lexicon to fit your organization's needs on the Setup Lexicon screen.

Access Lexicon Screen  

  1. Go to "Settings" on the Main Navigation Bar
  2. Click "Lexicon"


Find Object Name

Use the Filter section at the top of the screen to find particular Lexicon entries. It is possible to filter on Category, Classification, Sub-Classification, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Object Name. (The Object Name option will search across all three levels of object names – Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.)  You may combine multiple filters with AND or OR.  Once the filter is applied, the resulting Lexicon entries will be displayed in the Results section. For more information, see Working with Filters.

Add Object Name

Before adding an object name to the Lexicon, be sure the name does not already exist under another category or classification. Each object name can only exist once within the Lexicon.


  1. Click "Add Object Name" on the Lexicon screen

  2. Select the type of name you are adding: Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary
  3. Populate the Object Name field
  4. Select the Category, Classification, and Sub-Classification from the drop-down lists
  5. Populate the Source and Description if desired
  6. Click "Add"

Edit Object Name

When you edit an object name, all catalog records using the original name will automatically be changed to have the new object name.


  1. Browse or filter to locate the object name you wish to edit on the Lexicon screen
  2. Hover over the object name
  3. Click the Pencil icon on the right side
  4. Make your changes to the Object Name
  5. Click "Save"

Delete Object Name

Note: You cannot delete an object name from the Lexicon if it is being used on a catalog record.


  1. Browse or filter to locate the object name you wish to delete on the Lexicon screen
  2. Hover over the object name
  3. Click the Trash Can icon on the right side
  4. Click "Yes" on the confirmation message

Add Category or Classification

  1. Click "Add Category or Classification" on the Lexicon screen

  2. Select the type you are adding: Category, Classification, or Sub-Classification
  3. Populate the required fields:
  4. Populate Description if desired
  5. Click "Add"

Remove Category or Classification

If you delete a category or classification, any classifications and sub-classifications within that level will also be deleted. Any object names within that level will be moved to the "Need to Classify" Classification under Category "10: Unclassifiable Objects."


  1. Click "Remove Category or Classification" on the Lexicon screen

  2. Select what level you want to remove: Category, Classification, or Sub-Classification

  3. Locate the level to be removed

  4. Hover over the item

  5. Click the Trash Can icon on the right side

  6. Click "Yes" on the confirmation message

Change Category or Classification of Filtered Items

There may be times when you need to change the position of an object name within the hierarchy. For example, if a new term was added under an incorrect category or classification, you could use this function to reclassify the object name.


  1. Use the filter to isolate only the object name you want to change
  2. Click "Change Category or Classification of filtered items"
  3. Selected the appropriate Category, Classification, and Sub-Classification from the drop-down lists
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Click "Yes" on the confirmation message telling you the number of Lexicon entries that will be changed