
The Exhibits database can be used to track both in-house exhibits and traveling exhibits. For more information about exhibits, see Further Actions - Exhibits.


Clicking on "Exhibits" on the Main Navigation Bar brings up the Exhibits Query screen, which is divided into three sections: Current Exhibits, Past Exhibits, and All Exhibits (both current and past exhibits).  For more information about query screens, see Collections Query Screens.



Current Exhibit records track exhibits that are currently in process.  An exhibit may have all items on exhibit or have some items on exhibit and some that have been removed. Past Exhibit records keep track of the historical exhibits and all items that were on those exhibits.  All new exhibits are considered Current until you end the exhibit; the End Date field does not affect the Current/Past Status.


Record Type

The record type displays in the top left of the record screen. Next to the record type is the record count of the subset you are viewing (e.g. 10 of 83).

Edit Bar

At the top of record screens, there is an Edit Bar containing the "Edit" button and navigational buttons (for Query, first record, next record, prior record, and last record). When you click "Edit," the Edit Bar displays "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.  As you scroll down the record screen, you will notice that the Edit Bar floats and is always accessible at the top of the screen.

Action Buttons

Action buttons (like "New Record" and "End This Exhibit") are located in the top right corner of the record screen. Additional action buttons (like "Delete") may appear when you are in Edit Mode.

Top Section

The Top Section of the record displays the basic details of the exhibit, including the Exhibit Name, Start Date, Purpose, Curator, and Location.  You may also fill in the Description field describing the exhibit and the material on display. The End Date should be populated with the anticipated end date if known, and then when you end the exhibit, it will be replaced with the actual end date.

Image Management

Images of the exhibit may be attached using Image Management. Use these images to capture different views of the entire exhibit. Images of individual items will be attached to the catalog records of the items on exhibit.


Catalog Records on this Exhibit Accordion

This accordion only displays when viewing a Current Exhibit. It contains a list of the catalog records that are a part of this exhibit.  Click the Object ID hyperlink to view a specific catalog record.  Click the Exhibit Label hyperlink under the Actions column to view and edit the exhibit label.


To add a catalog record to an Exhibit, see Adding Catalog Records to an Exhibit.


Catalog Records Removed from this Exhibit Accordion

This accordion contains a list of the catalog records that were part of this exhibit at one time, but have since been removed from the exhibit.  Click the Object ID to view a specific catalog record. For information about removing individual items, see Remove Item from Exhibit. For details on how to end the entire exhibit, see Ending an Exhibit.


Climate Control Accordion

The Climate Control Accordion has fields for humidity, temperature, and light level requirements.


Insurance Information Accordion

The Insurance Information Accordion has fields to record details about the insurance policy covering the items on exhibit.


Shipping Information Accordion

The Shipping Information Accordion gives you an area to record the specifics of transporting the items on exhibit.


Staff Required, Security, Restrictions, Notes Accordion

This accordion has fields relating to the management of the exhibit as well as a general notes field.


Visitor Traffic Accordion

The Visitor Traffic Accordion contains fields for visitor counts, total cost and total revenue.


Attachments & URLs Accordion

The Attachments & URLs Accordion allows you to attach multimedia files to an exhibit record.  These files can include audio files, video files, PDFs, Word documents, Excel files, or any other file your computer can open. It is also possible to link to relevant URLs.