Data Conversion
If you have existing data, we can save you time by converting it into PastPerfect for you. There is no need to manually reenter this data. We charge $100 per hour for conversion services. The cost of a full conversion can vary greatly depending on the data being converted. A single spreadsheet might range from $200 to $1000, while the cost for moving an entire relational database into PastPerfect is typically between $3000 to $6000. Factors that determine the price include the number of files, the number of records, the number of data fields, whether you have images to include, and the amount of information you can provide about the data. The complete process usually takes between four to twelve weeks, depending on the number of clients requesting conversion services.
Product | Standard | A​A​S​L​H |
Data Conversion | $100/hour | $100/hour |
Getting a free quote
To obtain your free conversion quote, please send us a copy of your data. Depending on the program your data is in, you may need to export your data first (see below). If you would like images included in your conversion, we will need a sample of 10‑15 images. You can send the files to us on CD, DVD, flash drive, zip disk, 3 1/2" diskettes, or via email attachment. For faster service, we can provide instructions for copying your files to our FTP site. We can assist you in assembling your data and sending it to us for the quote. The price quote generally takes a week to complete.
Please note that we cannot provide a price quote based solely on the number of records you have. We require a copy of your data in order to give you a quote. Conversions are billed separately and are not included as part of your software purchase or annual support.
Export formats
We may need you to export data out of your current program first. The goal of exporting data is to get your data into a non‑proprietary standard format that can be imported into PastPerfect.
You do not need to export data from the following formats: Access, ASCII, dBase, Excel, FileMaker Pro, MCMS, Paradox, WordPerfect, and MS Works. We prefer these files in their original formats.
For all other formats, we prefer the data to be exported to a CSV file (Comma Separated Value) or Excel. If your current database is based in SQL Server, you may give us a SQL Server backup (.bak file).
If your database has multiple tables, you may need to export data from each table separately and provide us with multiple files.
If you have images you would like included in the conversion, please provide us with a sample of 10‑15 image files.
For assistance in exporting your data, please contact your current software program's technical support.
Data map
To ensure that you receive the best possible price and that your data is converted to your specifications, we recommend that you include a data map with the data you send us for conversion. Click here for a PDF with information on creating a data map. Here are some sample data maps in Excel from common programs that you can use to get started:
Send data and maps to:
- Email - Mail
PastPerfect Software, Inc.
300 North Pottstown Pike
Suite 200
Exton, PA 19341
Contact us if you have data in...
- Access
- Altru
- CuadraSTAR
- dBase
- DonorPerfect
- EmbARK
- eTapestry
- Excel
- FileMaker Pro
- GiftMaker Pro
- GiftWorks
- Heritage Sentinel
- InMagic DB/Textworks
- iO
- Minaret
- Paradigm
- Paradox
- Q&A
- Raiser’s Edge
- Re:discovery Proficio
- WordPerfect
- MS Works
- and more