Web Publishing Wizard - Selecting Stylized Thumbnail Images


For each image selected for web publishing, the Web Publishing Wizard creates a thumbnail and a large image. Thumbnail images display on catalog records, search results, and Random Images. When you have selected "Stylized Thumbnail Images" only the thumbnail images will be cropped, making them a consistent shape without creating image distortion. You'll need to select Stylized Thumbnail Images when you want thumbnails to display as Circles, Squares or Rounded Squares. Thumbnail image style is selected on the Site tab of the Interface Management Site; examples of the three stylized options and native option are below.

Stylized Thumbnail examples

Note: If you do not select Stylized Thumbnail Images when creating files but select one of the stylized formats in IMS, the images on your site may appear off-center. Please be sure that if you want stylized images on your site you include a check next to "Stylized Thumbnail Images" when creating your images.

Stylized Thumbnails
